This week class moved to a new level which is WORKSHOP. Its being taught not by Dr. Kamal but other lecturer. He is En. Ahmad Redzuan bin Mohd Hanapiah. He will be teach us for about 7 weeks and after that others lecturer will take over. Before i enter the class. I fell very excited because this class is more towards practical and me as boys really love when it comes to practical.
FIRST class is on 11th October, during this class En. Ahmad Redzuan explain to us about what are we will be doing throughout this 7 weeks. He tells us that during his class we will be deal with electronic apparatus such as diode, capacitor and transistor. All this electronic apparatus will be useful when we are making our own circuit board. En. Ahmad Redzuan also stress us about the 5S while we are deal with the apparatus.
SECOND class is on 13th October, we had our instrument test during this class. We only manage to test resistor and capacitor only due to limit of time. Resistor function is to resist current. Without resistor, voltage cannot flow and the circuit is not completed. We test resistor by observing the colour code. besides review to colour scheme, I also used multimeter to check the actual value of the resistor.
multimeter that i had been used to measured all the apparatus |
For capacitor, we actually test three type of capacitor which are disc ceramic capacitor, mica capacitor and radial capacitor. We measures the capacitors by using colour code, multimeter and by physical inspection.
We got three method to use because we need to test differend kind of capacitors. For mica type we used colour code, for ceramic capacitor we used physical inspection by looking at their code and compared its with the table provided while for radial capacitor we used multimeter. Actually, every electronic apparatus can be measured with the correct mutimeter. Im very enjoyed during this workshop and can’t wait for the next meeting.
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