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Daisypath Graduation tickers

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Continue and being TEST

Ultiboard 3D view
This week, we continue with Ultiboard. We learn how to display circuit in 3D mode which can make our view to be more flexible. When it comes to Ultiboard, the placing of component is very crucial because we need to route the component and it will become very difficult to route if the component is not being place well. With Ultiboard, we can print the PCB design as scale 1:1. This PCB design will be used when we make our own circuit later on.

live not complete without being test

After we finished our lesson of multisim and ultiboard, it comes to the point when we being checked about our understanding by having test. TEST of multisim and ultiboard is being held on our second meeting of this week. This test showed my ability to use multisim and ultiboard at my optimum knowledge. Multisim is quite easy for me, but when it comes to Ultiboard which I spend more than 1 hour just to get the correct auto routing process. After all, done with multisim and ultisim and our next pit stop is doing circuit.

Saturday, 19 November 2011


AFTER having a week mid-term breaks that include Hari Raya, our class continue by Mr. Ahmad Redzuan bin Mohd Hanapiah our lab instructor is teaching back after we had a week session with Mr.Rasli. This time, En. Redzuan upgrade our skills on electronic system by introduce us to two new things which is Multisim and Ultiboard. Thanks to technology now our job to making circuit become a lot more easier just click and click.
Multisim view

Multisim is an electronic schematic capture and simulation program which is part of a suite of circuit design programs. We can design circuit easier and lot more sustainable. We can run the circuit we design so that we can detect any errors in our circuit design, therefore it can reduce our mistake during circuit making. With the knowledge of Multisim, circuit can be done at fast rate without need to worry about any mistake.

Ultiboard view
Everything needs their pair and so does Multisim that pairing with Ultiboard. Ultiboard provides an easy and intuitive platform to design printed circuit boards. The flexible Ultiboard design environment offers automated functionality for speed and manual techniques for precise control. Ultiboard includes a 3D PCB viewing mode, as well as integrated import and export features to the Schematic Capture and Simulation software in the suite, Multisim.

This two technology had bring us to new level of circuit designed and make us students of System Electronic Engineering to be prepared when we start to design out own circuit or system.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


This week our Introduction to Electronic System lecture is being given by Mr.Rasli bin Abd. Ghani. Mr Rasli teaches us what the meaning of electronic, taught us about insulator, conductor and semi-conductor and of cause a little about basic electronic component. Mr. Rasli tell that words electronic comes from two words which is electron and electrical with deals the generation, distribution, switching, storage and conversion of electrical energy to and from other energy forms using wires, motors, generators, batteries, switches, relays, transformers, resistors and other passive components.
Electronic Symbol

Insulator, conductor and semi-conductor are solid-state classifications that differentiate materials according to their relativity towards electric current. Insulator is materials that will refuse to carry an electric current. They are useful for jobs like coating electric wires to prevent us from getting shock. While conductor and semi-conductor is materials that allow electric current to flow through it, but the different is that semi conductor only allow small portion of electric current to flow but not as good as conductor.

OLED has been used as TV display
Mr. Rasli gave us brief explanation on basic electronic component such as OLED, FPGA, power electronic and IC. Mr. Rasli tells that OLED or Organic Light-Emitting Diode will become more and more famous in coming year because of its flexibility and its function that can be used in any display electronic component. 

Besides OLED, FPGA or field-programmable gate arrays also being touch by Mr.Rasli. FPGA is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by the customer or designer after manufacturing that using hardware description language. Next is,  power electronic that function as an application of solid-state electronics for the control and conversion of electric power. The power conversion systems can be classified according to the type of the input and output power such as rectifier, inverter, DC to DC converter and AC to AC converter. Example of this application, DC/DC converters are used in most mobile devices to maintain the voltage at a fixed value whatever the voltage level of the battery is. 

small but very usefull

Lastly, Mr. Rasli teaches us about IC or Integrated Circuit that composed a lot of transistor that keep double every two years. IC can make electronic component to become smaller but still functioning like the usual one.

Thanks a lot to Mr.Rasli for given us a new knowledge and take our mind deeper into electronic world so that we can focus on our study field which is SYSTEM ELECTRONIC. =)